Short or Medium?

Whether I have my haircut at the salon or at home, the first question he asks after wrapping me up is “Short or Medium?” I haven’t been able to answer this question with confidence all these years. Earlier, I used to say ‘medium’ just to be sure he doesn’t cut it too short. But when … Read more

The Law of Happiness

Excerpts from ‘7 Divine Laws To Awaken Your Best Self’ by Swami Mukundananda The Law of Happiness – True happiness comes by growing from within to become a better person. The way to be happier is not by accumulating possessions, but by becoming a better person. The sequence for success is that ‘being’ must precede … Read more

I am just a Facebook post

I am a Facebook post with 26000 likes and 1972 comments. And I almost forgot, 223 shares. Words and photos don’t count for much nowadays. They were a big deal in the olden days when every word written or spoken meant something. Every photo was looked at, in depth. Look at me. I have a … Read more

I met a Mask Checker

In support of creating the much-needed awareness and the serious need for wearing masks correctly in public places, last week the local administration appointed a bunch of mask checkers. I stepped out with trepidation and spoke to one of them yesterday. “Congratulations on your appointment as a mask checker. What exactly is your job?” I … Read more

The Law of Incremental Growth

Excerpts from ‘7 Divine Laws To Awaken Your Best Self’ by Swami Mukundananda The Law of Incremental Growth – Personal excellence and life mastery can only be achieved by consistent small steps of incremental improvement. As you strive to improve yourself, the velocity of your self-transformation keeps speeding up. The reason is that any learned … Read more

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