The Science of Mind Management

Here are some excerpts from the book ‘The Science of Mind Management’ by Swami Mukundananda: Our mind is the single-most important factor that determines the quality of our life. Successfully controlled, it becomes our best alloy, but if allowed to run wild, it steals our inner peace and undermines all our productive endeavours. We experience … Read more

Some Updates

It has been a washout February as far as writing is concerned for me. I haven’t got a word on paper (or on MS Word, actually) in this entire month, all of it due to what I would like to blame on writer’s block, but in reality, is a curious mix of laziness and distractions. … Read more

On Attachment

Swami Vivekananda on Attachment: Be “unattached”; let things work; let brain centres work; work incessantly, but let not a ripple conquer the mind. To attain this unattachment is almost a life-work. Attachment comes only where we expect a return. If working like slaves results in selfishness and attachment, working as master of our own mind … Read more

What is Vedanta?

My notes from ‘Vedanta: Voice of Freedom” – a selected compilation from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. ‘What is Vedanta’ Chapter Highlights reproduced below: *** Just as creation is infinite and eternal, without beginning and without end, so is the knowledge of God without beginning and without end. And this knowledge is what is … Read more

Caregiver: Short Story

It had been almost six months now that Kirthana had been bedridden. It had been six months since her husband Karthik had been her caregiver. “Another silent day, another silent night. What a useless life!” the thirty something Karthik said to himself. Kirthana tried to move her left hand and leg but her best efforts … Read more

The Religion of Vedanta

My notes from ‘Vedanta: Voice of Freedom” – a selected compilation from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. “The Religion of Vedanta” – Chapter Highlights reproduced below: *** Even if a book were given by God that contained all the truth about religion, it would not serve the purpose, because nobody could understand the book. … Read more

Funeral: Short Story

In Varanasi, Pappu Pandey gazed at his dear friend Lalu Mishra’s dead body on the pyre. He stood next to Lalu’s son Pratap waiting for proceedings to begin. He was at a makeshift crematorium ghat next to the main one at Manikarnika. It was for people who had passed away due to the lethal pandemic … Read more

Ranjit’s Newsletter
