On Religion

Swami Vivekananda on Religion: We know that all religions alike, from the lowest fetishism to the highest absolutism, are but so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realise the Infinite. It is an insult to a starving people to offer them religion; it is an insult to a starving man to teach … Read more

Vedanta and Vivekananda

My notes from ‘Vedanta: Voice of Freedom” – a selected compilation from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Highlights reproduced below: *** In nondualistic Vedanta, Brahman is the Ultimate Reality, ExistenceKnowledge— Bliss Absolute. The world is shown to be nothing but name and form, all of which is apparent, not real, having only a relative … Read more

The Evening Train: Short Story

Memories don’t die. Her hands trembled when she got off the train at her hometown. It was four years since she had left her home wailing in the arms of her mother to start a new life. She had promised herself that she will never return. But her father’s sudden terminal illness had left her … Read more

News Report on Anthologies

There was a news report about the release of my four anthologies from last year (2021) that got coverage last month. I am reproducing it below for your reading. *** Four Anthologies of author Ranjit Kulkarni’s short stories released The set of four small, quick read books, a consolidated anthology of Ranjit Kulkarni’s work last … Read more

Power, for better or worse: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“There are some things you just can’t make better,” Swami remarked while sipping his coffee over the double chocolate muffin. For a moment, Jigneshbhai and I thought he was referring to the exceptional muffin and coffee. We stared at each other and nodded in agreement that it’s tough to better that. But he wasn’t referring … Read more

Bhakti Yoga

My notes from ‘Vedanta: Voice of Freedom” – a selected compilation from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. “Bhakti Yoga” – Chapter Highlights reproduced below: *** Bhakti yoga is a real, genuine search after the Lord, a search beginning, continuing, and ending in love. One single moment of the madness of extreme love of God … Read more


Freedom: Chapter excerpts from Karma Yoga – from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol 1. Excerpts reproduced below: *** “Work incessantly, but give up all attachment to work.” Do not identify yourself with anything. Hold your mind free. “Misery comes through attachment, not through work.” This “I and mine” causes the whole misery. With … Read more

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