Excerpts from ‘7 Divine Laws To Awaken Your Best Self’ by Swami Mukundananda
The Law of Sublimation – The sovereign recipe for purifying the mind and its thoughts is to dovetail it towards the Supreme through bhakti.
Offer all actions and emotions to the Lord. Even desire, anger and pride should be directed to Him.
The bottom line is that belief in God requires faith. Existence of God cannot be proven with 100 percent accuracy and facts.
The Supreme Divine Entity possesses innumerable contradictory attributes at the same time.
Knowledge engenders reverence for Him but not intimate loving devotion.
We will develop love fo God by establishing our loving relationship with Him. To do this, we must repeatedly think, ‘He is mine and I am His.’
The moment our intellect decides ‘This person is mine’, the mind develops love. Similarly, when we decide that our eternal relationship is with God, we will experience loving sentiments for Him.
The first benefit of attaching the mind to God is that by absorbing the mind in the all-pure Lord, the mind gets purified as well.
The second benefit is that our lower nature – desire, anger, greed and pride – gets sublimated in devotion.
The third benefit is that when we have love for God, we automatically start doing everything for his pleasure. This results in Karm yoga.
In Karm yoga, the intention behind every work gets purified. ‘How can my actions be pleasing to the Lord?’ That purity of intention makes the most significant difference in our life.
The understanding of the principle of karma yoga empowers us to grow from within to become a better person. You continue to perform your worldly duties but the intention becomes divine.
The fourth benefit is that since the results of our efforts are for the pleasure of the Supreme, we not attached to them. This sense of detachment from results frees us from stress, anxiety, tension and fear.
The fifth benefit of attaching the mind to God is that our self-identity gets transformed. We see ourselves as fragments of the divine.
The sixth benefit is that our perspective towards others changes. We see everyone with who we interact as divine (fragments of God) and as a result, we maintain a healthy attitude towards them.
The seventh benefit is that when we keep God in our consciousness, we realise that His grace makes all things possible.
The eighth benefit of attaching the mind to God is that the goal of human life is God-realisation. When we become karma yogis, we move towards the supreme goal of life, together with doing our worldly duties.
We want others to act in certain ways, and when they do not, we feel we have the right to become upset. In this way, unfulfilled expectations strain relationships.
If our expectations were genuinely selfless, their unfulfillment would not have upset us.