The Law of Infinite Potential

Excerpts from the book “7 Divine Laws To Awaken Your Best Self” by Swami Mukundananda

The Law of Infinite Potential – All souls have infinite potential for growth, whatever be their present state.

The biggest calamity in the world is the waste of human resources – the untapped capacity of people with the ‘fixed mindset’.

True success is the blossoming of our soul in who we are and what we do. To succeed in life is to become the best that we can become, and do the best that we can do.

The first intellectual misconception is the illusion that our material possessions will always remain with us.

Live in this world as travellers stay in hotels. They do not accord importance to aesthetics of their room, for they know they must vacate it next morning.

The second intellectual misconception is that we look on our material body as the self.

If we are just a bunch of atoms and molecules, from where does consciousness originate?

The Vedas inform us that consciousness is not a product of the body’s constituents; it is the symptom of the soul.

Our third intellectual misconception is the belief that in sensual pleasures, we can find the happiness that will satiate our soul.

If any desires, once gratified, remained permanently satiated, then fulfilling it would have resulted in happiness. But if the same desire keeps returning again and again, with even greater vigour, then its satiation is a misnomer.

Progress happens because of beneficial desires.

One does not transform from a sinner to a saint overnight, but by making the proper choices, again and again, repeatedly over time.


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