I met a Mask Checker

In support of creating the much-needed awareness and the serious need for wearing masks correctly in public places, last week the local administration appointed a bunch of mask checkers. I stepped out with trepidation and spoke to one of them yesterday. “Congratulations on your appointment as a mask checker. What exactly is your job?” I … Read more

ढूंढते रह जाओगे!: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Many years back there used to be an ad for some detergent remember where the lady of the house boomed with pride ‘ढूंढते रह जाओगे’ when her husband found no stains on his shirt. Do you remember that?” asked Jigneshbhai while sipping his coffee last weekend. Swami and I met our broker friend Jigneshbhai had … Read more

Retail Investor announces Retirement from Stock Markets: Jigneshbhai and Swami

My broker friend Jigneshbhai had asked me and Swami to come over to an investor camp last Sunday for our evening coffee. At that event, a retail investor took center stage. Inspired by Sachin Tendulkar’s heart-touching farewell speech, the retail investor made an emotional speech thanking everyone for his experiences in trying to get rich … Read more

Ranjit’s Newsletter
