Drona: Virtue vs Envy

How much is a teacher responsible for shaping a student and how much of it is the student’s own making? How much does external training shape someone and how much is driven by internal traits and talent? How much of a student’s success and failure can a teacher be held accountable for? These are questions … Read more

Drona: His Students and Not

It is instrumental to understand Dronacharya the teacher, his loyalties to Hastinapur and the throne, and his treatment of various students to understand the character and its motivations. There was no doubt that Dronacharya had a favourable attitude towards two students, Ashwatthama and Arjuna. Out of them, Arjuna was probably his favourite student if one … Read more

Drona: Teacher of Warfare

The story of why the best teacher of Vedic culture was named Drona is a fantastic one. Legend has it that Bharadwaja, the great seer, while having bath, once saw an Apsara, a celestial beauty named Gritachi, having a bath at the same spot. It was one of the rare occasions when even a saint … Read more

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