Stories Short and Sweet: Review

I am a big fan and reader of Ruskin Bond (who isn’t?) and have read a lot of his fiction set in the Himalayas. Recently chanced upon a small book titled “Stories Short and Sweet” which contains some of his not so well-known stories (no Room in the Roof, or Blue Umbrella, et al). This small book (less than 100 pages I think) contains some sweet stories such as one about a mischievous ghost, and another about a Bouquet of Flowers that forms a friendship between a young boy and an old widow. And then there are a couple of nostalgic ones about the Himalayan countryside as usual. I liked this collection, and the title is apt. I finished it in one sitting.

Here is a short and sweet review of this book that I posted on Amazon.

Exceptional collection

Beautiful collection of short stories – some funny, some full of suspense and some emotional. Simple prose that captures life in the mountains and almost takes you there.

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