Melange: Short Stories about Restless Minds


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The mind of a human being is what differentiates us from other animals. It gives us the power of thinking, and the power of feeling. One would not be wrong to say that it is the mind that has made the human animal what it is today, both good and bad.

The mind of a human being is by its very nature restless. It can be both a friend and an enemy. It is this precise restlessness of the human mind that the stories in this collection explore.

What would happen if a character got what it wants? Would he or she be consumed by greed and want more? What would happen if a character doesn’t get what it wants? Would he or she be consumed by anger and pursue it blindly?

The stories in this collection will provide you with insights into the working of the restless mind. With stories covering both the responsible and treacherous rides of the mind, Melange is a medley of diverse stories about the restless mind that will entertain, enlighten and provoke thought.

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