Swami Vivekananda on Mind:
All knowledge, therefore, secular or spiritual, is in the human mind. Like fire in a piece of flint, knowledge exists in the mind.
Work, but let not the action or the thought produce a deep impression on the mind.
Working as master of our own mind gives rise to the bliss of non-attachment.
When you have trained your mind and your nerves to realise this idea of the world’s non-dependence on you or on anybody, there will then be no reaction in the form of pain resulting from work.
Do not identify yourself with anything. Hold your mind free.
Non-attachment does not mean anything that we may do in relation to our external body, it is all in the mind.
The mind can be conquered only by slow and steady practice.
It is much easier to do anything upon the external plane, but the greatest conqueror in the world finds himself a mere child when he tries to control his own mind.
The mind is circling forward, as it were, towards the senses, and that mind has to circle backwards.
It is very true that mind is the master, but very few of us are not bound by the senses.
First, here is the body, second the mind, or instrument of thought, and third behind this mind is the Self of man.
The mind must create the wave towards any sensation. Suppose . . . we can withhold the mind. At once we are masters. We refuse to contribute our share to all these phenomena…. If I do not contribute my share, it has got to stop.