New Book: Kaleidoscope now available

Do you like stories about life, death, and human behaviour with a twist?

Welcome to Kaleidoscope – short stories of many hues – which will haunt you, tingle your spine, provoke thought and, often, bring a smile.

  • What if a patient in coma can hear everything around her?
  • Why does an old man find an apple at his door every day?
  • Do bacteria know that the human exists?
  • Do you know of a train that takes you not where you want to go, but where you need to go?
  • Can an experienced doctor handle his young daughter’s terminal illness?
  • What does a garbage worker who finds a treasure do with it?
  • Why do two teenagers pass an exam they should have failed?
  • What secrets does a golden wedding anniversary reveal?
  • What happens when a dead body is lost just before the funeral?

With stories of mystique, tragedy and comic irreverence, Kaleidoscope promises the reader the many tragic, comic, and spooky shades of life, death, and human behaviour, with an odd turn. Grab your copy now!

The book is available at (Paperback in India) and all Amazon marketplaces (Kindle). You may get your copy from any of the links below:

Paperback from Pothi at

Kindle from Amazon at or your local Amazon marketplace

I look forward to your feedback at or reviews at the site of your choice. I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed the writing.


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