Just another blog!

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So I have a blog. Is it just another blog? I hope not – but we will see as it shapes up. Often, I have this habit of musing about a number of things close to my heart – like finance and investing, with my wife, family and close friends. So why not try and start writing about it, and give it some shape in the form of a blog – so said my wife. So this is just an attempt to do that!

I think over time you will find musings on a number of key topics that I am passionate about. Highest on that list are investing and finance, while some others around areas that I love – which are travel and reading.

I have no specific agenda for this blog – not at this point at least. Well -no agenda of selling anything here – I do not run a business nor of influencing opinion. One of the take-aways perhaps the reader could partake is an increase in his level of financial awareness and education – that perhaps is closest that I can assign as an objective in my writings. But as the topic of this blog says – one thing I hope stays unique. That is – I hope I help the reader cut the noise, stay away from the clutter that we have specially in this area of finance and investing, and get straight to the heart of the matter. You can expect an honest attempt towards that in my reflections! Feedback is more than welcome!

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