
Expectations can take many forms. Sometimes it is with a clear tangible result in the form of money or some reward that is measurable materially. Sometimes it is unclear and intangible expectation like being appreciated or respected for work done. Sometimes it can be simply an expectation to be left alone or being given the independence to operate. We expect different things at different stages of life from different activities and people. Many of these are unconscious especially the intangible expectations. When they aren’t met, we experience disappointment or irritation or anger. The key is to be aware of these and make an attempt to not allow them to take root in the future. Easier said than done but that is the path of purification of the mind.

Why do expectations arise? What is the root cause of expectations? They arise because of actions taken out of some desire, direct or indirect. When we do something with some desire in mind, it gives rise to expectation. Why does desire arise? It arises due to attachment and contemplation on something. When we repeatedly contemplate on something as the source of our happiness, we develop attachment towards it and start building up a desire for it. Then when we act, that action is performed due to that desire.

So what do we do? Does it mean we should have no expectation, no desire? Or does it mean we don’t contemplate on anything as the source of happiness? The key is to build the knowledge that our true lasting source of happiness is in God. Once our intellect is convinced of that, we should use that conviction to tell the mind where our true happiness lies whenever it contemplates on something. The mind will not stop thoughts, so the key is to use our intellect and witness the mind thinking and creating feelings and try to bring it back to the Lord. If that is not possible, and a desire has already been created due to past contemplation or attachment, then it is better to replace that desire with a desire for the Lord. Hence we should keep doing the same things or actions but with a desire for doing it for God. That way at least we will not experience the misery that arises when we do something with a desire and the expectation is not met or fulfilled, something which is bound to happen.

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