The Science of Mind Management

Here are some excerpts from the book ‘The Science of Mind Management’ by Swami Mukundananda: Why do we seek happiness? We souls are little drops of the ocean of infinite happiness, and hence, our natural propensity is to seek bliss. Until we get infinite happiness of God, we will not be content. The urge for … Read more

This is Marketing – Notes 1

I recently read a book titled ‘This is Marketing’ by Seth Godin. As per my habit, I marked out some notes which I found useful while I was reading. I have collated some of the ones which I found worth sharing and put them together below. Take a read! *** It doesn’t make any sense … Read more

Notes from ‘Deep Work’ – Set 2

A few months back I read a book titled “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. I found that a number of points raised and solutions offered in the book resonated with me. It was a very well-written book and I compiled some useful snippets from it into a bunch of notes. The first set of these … Read more

Notes from ‘Deep Work’

A few months back I read a book titled “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. I found that a number of points raised and solutions offered in the book resonated with me. It was a very well-written book and I compiled some useful snippets from it into a bunch of notes. Here is the first set … Read more

Notes from ‘The Practice’

A few months back I read a book titled ‘The Practice’ by Seth Godin. I loved it a lot and made some notes from it. They are some profound lines from the book which spoke to me. Here is a list of some of them: When you choose to produce creative work, you’re solving a … Read more

Notes from ‘Atomic Habits’

A few months back I read a book titled “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It was a very well-written book and I found a lot of snippets useful that spoke to me. I compiled them into a bunch of notes. Here is the first set: If you find yourself struggling to build a good habit … Read more

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