This is Marketing – Notes 2

Notes and Excerpts from ‘This is Marketing’ by Seth Godin. Our calling is to make a difference. A chance to make things better for those we seek to serve. Writing books or creation of anything else for that matter whether video courses, training, cartoons, Youtube videos, podcasts, is a commodity. You can’t claim to be … Read more

The Dip by Seth Godin

Recently I read another Seth Godin book titled “The Dip: The extraordinary benefits of knowing when to quit (and when to stick)”. Though I would not classify it in the same category as ‘The Practice’ or ‘This is Marketing’, it nevertheless is a very good book with a lot of wise one-liners that are typical … Read more

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

I read this much-celebrated book ‘The 4-Hour Work Week’ by Timothy Ferriss lately. Perhaps it is intended for a younger audience but for me, a writer close to fifty after twenty five years of corporate life, most of the details in the book were too much work to read. I found only the last section … Read more

Joyfully I write

Recently read a book by Ruskin Bond titled ‘The India I love’. Within that, there was a chapter called ‘Joyfully I write’. As an author, some of what he wrote resonated strongly with me. I am sure as readers and writers, you will find it equally delightful. Here are a few excerpts from that chapter … Read more

Thoughts on Approaching Seventy

As I approach fifty, I thought it might be apt to put out an extract from a book by one of my favorite writers – Ruskin Bond. Of course, one must bear in mind that there is a difference – for many, lot of it – between turning fifty and turning seventy. And biologically, there … Read more

The Courage to be Disliked

A friend recommended reading this book, and the title of the book instantly intrigued me. I got the book almost on the same day, and finished reading it over the next week or so. While the title is attractive and whoever thought about it must be credited with it, this book is not just about … Read more

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