I met a Mask Checker

In support of creating the much-needed awareness and the serious need for wearing masks correctly in public places, last week the local administration appointed a bunch of mask checkers. I stepped out with trepidation and spoke to one of them yesterday. “Congratulations on your appointment as a mask checker. What exactly is your job?” I … Read more

Player or Commentator?

“Why doesn’t he just shut up and let the game go on, instead of boring us?” Swami complained. He was watching the IPL final on that Sunday afternoon on his iPad while sipping his coffee. “So many players become commentators after retirement,” Jigneshbhai remarked, while sipping into his coffee. He peeped into Swami’s iPad to … Read more

Lucky Draw

“Does anybody win anything in a lucky draw?” Swami asked Jigneshbhai and me over a coffee at the café. I knew why this question was troubling him today. It was because of an episode that happened last week that I must tell you about. It was on a cool evening sometime last week that Swami … Read more

Ranjit’s Newsletter
