Rightfully Angry but Wrong?: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“I have been waiting here for twenty minutes. If you didn’t have a table, you should have told us earlier,” Swami shouted at the concierge host. Jigneshbhai tapped him on his shoulder to cool down. “But what’s the point of taking an appointment if they can’t give us the table on time?” Swami howled. Jigneshbhai … Read more

Anger and Greed

The source of irritation and anger is within us. Whenever some act by someone else creates that emotion within us, the source of it can be tracked back to an unfulfilled expectation within. The only freedom from this is to fix that expectation. But it does not mean leading a dry life without expectations. It … Read more

Compliments and Criticism

When someone gives us compliments for a job well done, we sometimes get into the mode of touting how we have been doing this for a while and are experts at it in any case. This may not be tomtoming about ourselves but it is definitely a reflection of we liking the compliments. This is … Read more


We make a conscious decision by the intellect not to get pulled into certain things or situations or people which we might have learnt are not conducive to our growth. Sometimes we are successful at it due to grace of God. We can see situations and are able to discern them we having potential for … Read more


Expectations can take many forms. Sometimes it is with a clear tangible result in the form of money or some reward that is measurable materially. Sometimes it is unclear and intangible expectation like being appreciated or respected for work done. Sometimes it can be simply an expectation to be left alone or being given the … Read more

Habits and Conditioning

Very often despite our best intentions and strongest controls, we find that we say or do something we didn’t want, or act in a manner in which we did not want to. It is as if we are pulled or provoked into a particular direction by something within us (which we attribute to external behavior … Read more

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