A Few Stray Thoughts…. (all my own work)

And for a Saturday, a few stray thoughts and a few general observations and a few points of view (all my own work): Like the Congress seems to be happy about winning the Karnataka elections, but I am unable to decide whether they won or the opposition lost. Like removing two more or less politically … Read more

Of Quotes and Learnings, From Investors and Hindi Movies: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“The problem with famous people and their quotes is that I don’t understand which one to apply when.” Swami remarked, as he walked in for our coffee meeting with a disappointed, confused face. He had a book of quotes with him. “Is India a leaky boat?” he asked suddenly. Surprised, I looked up to my broker … Read more

Tragedy in Close-up, Comedy in Long-shot: A Matter of Perspective: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Is Infosys closing down?” asked my friend Swami as we met for our weekend coffee today. I had heard of nothing like that, and so obviously was all ears to him. Not sure why he asked, even my broker friend Jigneshbhai said, “What nonsense? Where did you hear that?” “No – looking at the extreme … Read more

Lights, Camera and Bang: Cricketainment?

Before the first ball is bowled in every IPL match, the umpire should probably stop saying “Play” and start saying “Lights? Camera? Go Bang!” May be have a countdown as the bowler runs in to bowl. This could be one of the many innovations that could come into cricket over time with the IPL. One … Read more

What’s in a name? The difference between buying and being sold

“The real choice of the average individual has not been between constructing and acquiring a well-balanced common-stock portfolio or doing the same thing, a bit more expensively by buying into the funds. More likely his choice has been between succumbing to the wiles of the doorbell-ringing mutual-fund salesman on the one hand, as against succumbing … Read more

A Hundred Hundreds: The Phenomenon I saw play cricket

“One hundred lesser would not have made Sachin Tendulkar a lesser legend in anybody’s eyes.” Jigneshbhai remarked nonchalantly when reading from the newspaper about the latest exploit of India’s greatest cricketer. On this Swami seemed to agree with Jigneshbhai. “Like the last four runs that Sir Don Bradman did not score did not make him … Read more

Save me Superman: The Bailout Business: Jigneshbhai and Swami

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MILArKLKUEk]”I am not normally a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman” said Homer J Simpson. That was fine, but when my friend Swami sounded similar, it caught my attention. “Jigneshbhai, I need a bailout” Swami pleaded as we were having our customary coffee over the weekend. “I have been … Read more

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