सिर्फ खेलनेका नहीं: The Business of IPL: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“It is pathetic – this spot fixing. They get so much money, and still fix”, cried my friend Swami, as we were having our weekend coffee. My broker friend Jigneshbhai was, as always, watching Swami and listening. After a while, Jigneshbhai asked nonchalantly, “Who are you talking about?” As always, this irked Swami even more. … Read more

Cyprus, Cheat funds and the Cost of Ignorance: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Where is Cyprus?” asked my friend Swami as we were having our weekend coffee meeting. We had met after a long time, as my broker friend Jigneshbhai had been out of town. Jigneshbhai knew what was coming next from the ever-questioning Swami, but like all his terse, double-edged and somewhat unclear answers, he said “Somewhere … Read more

Double Bind: Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t

In the late 17th Century, precisely from February 1692 to May 1693, there was a set of hearings and prosecutions in colonial Massachusetts in the United States for a set of people accused of witchcraft. These later came to be known as the Salem witch trials. People in the city of Salem believed that a … Read more

The Boiling Frog and Political Entrepreneurship

Where does misuse of power and position end and where does corruption begin? Consider the following examples from the private sector: – The boss likes office parties and asks his favorite ‘compliant’ subordinate to pay the party bill and claim reimbursement, as the boss is the only approving authority. – The boss ‘negotiates’ with the … Read more

Entertaining Losers No More: Champions ‘Gangnam’ style!

Oct 09, 2012 “I sometimes feel that the West Indies is every non-West Indian cricket fan’s favourite team after their own country.” Jigneshbhai made that remark as we were having our coffee. Swami was enthused with this cricketing remark. “Actually you might be right” he said. “If one were to ask cricket fans from different … Read more

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