Perfect. Or Nothing

There is this ad which says Jockey. Or Nothing. The idea is to tell their target audience that they should not settle for anything other than Jockey. Because Jockey is as perfect as it gets. It is an enviable brand whose customers have such exalted preference. For all you know, it might just be a … Read more

Reasons to Write a Book

Hundreds of books get published everyday. Maybe thousands. And most of them don’t sell more than ten copies. Some not even that many. Yet, no one who has ever written a book regrets that they wrote one. So what are the reasons to write a book? I came up with a few. Here is the … Read more

Make a Choice

It is assumed that you want to take the test. It is presumed that you have to make a choice in the options provided. Do you want your drink hot or cold – a latte with whipped cream or an ice cold Frappuccino? What would you rate us on a scale of 1 to 10? … Read more

You should have a YouTube channel

Or a Facebook author page. Or an Amazon author profile. Or a Spotify account. Take your pick. Creators keep getting told this all the time. Yes, it is true that with all these platforms, based on whether you are a writer, a musician, a singer, a painter, or any other creator, you get ready access … Read more

Certainty and Order

A person who is 6 feet tall is taller than another who is 5 feet tall. 90 kg weighs more than 70 kg. A bank balance of 5 Lakhs is more than a bank balance of 25,000. A distance of 100 km is more than the distance of 25 km. You get the drift. A … Read more

What is Good?

The other day we decided to watch a movie on Netflix. There was one I had in mind but there were no ratings for it. So, we didn’t choose it. Then, after 15 minutes of browsing, we still hadn’t decided and switched off the TV. Life used to be simple. You go to a bookstore … Read more

Anybody can climb Everest

A friend of mine who climbed Mount Everest (yes, really!) was interviewed (many times over), and in one of the interviews was asked if he realized the enormity of his achievement. He tried to play it down saying, “I am just a normal guy. Anybody can climb Everest.” And the interviewer stopped him, and said, … Read more

Notes to Myself: Craft of a Story

Every writer has a bunch of notes to him/herself for ready reference on the craft of story writing that suits that particular writer’s style of writing. For me, it has evolved over the past few years of writing. As I started with blogging to writing articles, and then jumped to humor and slice of life … Read more

Writing Advice from Stephen King

I made a bunch of notes on Writing Advice by Stephen King. I like to refer to this list from time to time. Here I reproduce it for your reference and reading pleasure. Stop watching television. Instead, read as much as possible. Prepare for more failure and criticism than you think you can deal with. … Read more

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