Business for Authors: Review

A while back I read a book titled “Business for Authors” by Joanna Penn. Though I never looked at writing as a means to a livelihood (25 years of corporate life perhaps allowed me to keep it as a hobby at best, or at worst, a vocation), for those who have the gumption to start writing early in their life, writing can end up being the primary means of livelihood. It is tough for writers to wear both these hats – one using the right brain and the other using the left brain. It is almost like two people in one – not easy at all. But what writer Joanna Penn does truly well is to appreciate the difficulty but still find a way to help authors. The book contains a lot of advice on mindset required to operate writing like a business, as well as a number of tactics and methods to actually implement it.

Here is my short review of the book that I posted on Amazon.

Nice guide

It’s a nice detailed guide for new writer’s wanting to make a living from their writing. Covers various aspects of the journey with a good practical toolkit list. Useful to read in detail when you are starting out and as a reference to check back as a reminder later.

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