Note Extracts from my reading of Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Sankaracharya: Such treatises as aim at serving as introductions to a...
Note Extracts from my reading of Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Sankaracharya: Such treatises as aim at serving as introductions to a...
Originally a Yadu, Pritha was the daughter of Shoorsen and sister of Vasudev, the father of Lord Krishna. But...
"Alexa, don't run away from me. Listen." "Playing, Run to you by Bryan Adams." "Alexa, Stop." "Alexa, will you pay...
I have released two box sets of my published books. Both these box sets are in Kindle Format. One is...
There is this ad which says Jockey. Or Nothing. The idea is to tell their target audience that they should...
Note Extracts from my reading of Vedanta-Sara by Adi Sankaracharya: Vedāntasāra is one of the best known epitomes (Prakaraṇa Granthas)...
“Raichand posted a message in our group over the weekend and told us to be ready for an urgent meeting...
Hundreds of books get published everyday. Maybe thousands. And most of them don't sell more than ten copies. Some not...
I shuddered when my class teacher shouted again, "Eat the green vegetables, children." She had a foot ruler in her...