Baba Bengali and Nigerian Scamsters: How becoming a False Positive helped!

“Remember many years back when you lived in Mumbai, there was an advertisement by ‘Baba Bengali’ stuck in the local train compartments?” Jigneshbhai asked Swami yesterday when we had our coffee.

Swami broke into a smile, evidently remembering it clearly.

“Yeah – it used to have claims like ‘solve all your problems in 11 days’ or ‘money problem? no luck in job? marital problems? get guaranteed solution in 3 hours’ or similar exaggerated claims!” he said in almost fond memory.

“I always used to wonder who ever believed those outrageous claims made in those ads.” Swami continued, “And if anyone actually went to this Baba Bengali?”

Jigneshbhai knew. “Apparently, ‘Baba Bengali’ became a successful scam business and almost a pseudonym for ‘tantric’ thugs. So much so that there were many newer entrants into this ‘business’.”

“The surprising factor was that they adopted some modified version of Baba Bengali as their name (presumably you cannot copyright scam names!). So now you had a ‘Baba Raza Bengali’, a ‘Baba Guru Bengali’, a ‘Baba Khalid Bengali’ and perhaps a few more. So with one Baba Bengali being successful, there apparently was enough of a market for other Baba Bengali scamsters to enter this to make their dough!”

Jigneshbhai enlightened Swami and me with this new market research on the ‘tantric baba scam market’. But our broker friend wasn’t the one to stop there. And this time he was the one raising questions instead of Swami.

“Why did they do that? And how did people – most of whom knew by then that Baba Bengali stood for scammers – still fall prey to those almost hilarious ads?” He asked us. But Swami and I thought he was just wondering aloud, so refrained from answering, waiting for him to answer likely, which he did quickly.

“I got the answer to that question when I went through a recent research paper by Microsoft titled ‘Why do Nigerian Scammers Say They Are from Nigeria?’” Jigneshbhai said and started reading from a printout he was carrying.

After some reading that sounded quite academic, he told us the takeaway.

“There is a lot of mathematical modelling done there, but the crux of the matter is the cost of false positives vis-a-vis the benefits from true positives – specially in target markets where the victim density is low. In simpler terms, how does a scammer increase ultimate conversion rates and its benefits without increasing costs of handling respondents that don’t convert?”

There was some amazing insight that came out of what Jigneshbhai told us thereafter.

Like any marketing activity, apparently there is a cost associated even with scam.

But as scamsters like ‘Baba Bengali’ or ‘Nigerian person asking to deposit money’ or ‘You just won a UK Lottery’ started adopting online methods of marketing, the costs of delivering their message kept reducing – so they could reach a large potential audience at zero or extremely low cost.

That’s the reason they could send mass emails or SMS, or in case of Baba Bengali, put those stickers cheap on local train compartments.

But while their cost of message delivery reduced drastically, their potential problems also increased. Because as their reach increased, a lot of people started responding to their ads.

“One would think that’s good – right?” Jigneshbhai had explained. “But for a scamster it’s a problem if they cast their net too wide!”

For a traditional marketer, whose costs begin much earlier, and whose campaign ends with response rate, that would not be a problem.

But for a scamster, the costs begin only when someone responds. Too many initial responses that eventually don’t convert is a big problem, because not only is there a cost associated with handling people who respond (but eventually back out), but it is also a risk to the entire scam.

“So these guys who respond initially but don’t fall prey are unprofitable for the perpetrators of the scam obviously, but more the number of people who respond and back out, more are the chances of the scam getting leaked and the risk for the scamster getting caught.”

Jigneshbhai explained the difference between a normal marketing campaign and a scam.

“That is the reason the Nigerian emails or the UK Lottery SMS or the Baba Bengali content is what it is. It is outrageous, hilarious, and unbelievable for most of us. Most of us are likely to ignore it. Nobody but the most gullible will respond to them.”

“Hence the response rate reduces drastically, but those who respond are likely to convert. So the reason the content is like that is to filter normal people out!” Swami remarked, understanding the logic of the same and feeling thrilled about it.

“Absolutely right!” Jigneshbhai said and both Swami and I broke out in laughter at the sheer delight of understanding the smartness of stupid messages. “As Microsoft found in its research, – since gullibility is unobservable, the best strategy is to get those who possess this quality to self-identify.’ That is the target market for them.”

Wow, that was some insight, Swam and I thought.

It is not meant to attract but repel most of us. This strategy is deliberately designed to target accurately only those most likely to convert, and hence, prevent false positives.

Now this insight and the realization that false positives are a problem for scamsters helped me get rid of some ‘personal loan’ spam recently.

I used to repeatedly get those calls stating that I will get loans and credit cards without documents, with amazing credit limits and outstanding free gifts. Some of those calls almost started feeling like the Baba Bengali or Nigerian scam. I decided to ‘become a false positive.’

Earlier I used to get irritated on receiving these calls, but they never stopped. Almost as if the caller expected my irritation. But a few weeks back, I told them that I had heard a lot about their wonderful product, and I was highly interested. The caller sounded positively surprised by that. I gave her false details on where to come and meet me.

I gave them directions on how to reach an address that I did not stay at. When they got close to that address, I called them to say I am sorry I am not at home due to something urgent but am interested so would love if they can reschedule the appointment. After 2-3 such iterations, I met them, told them to meet me again for next steps as I would like to know more about the product.

Somewhere after this, the caller probably realized that I was a ‘false positive’.

Not only has she stopped calling me, but I think I have got off a couple of other calling lists as well. I am hoping that all personal finance scamsters use similar target (or victim?) lists. My behaviour, I am hopeful, gets me off all those lists. I will thank Microsoft for it all my life.

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