We make a conscious decision by the intellect not to get pulled into certain things or situations or people which we might have learnt are not conducive to our growth. Sometimes we are successful at it due to grace of God. We can see situations and are able to discern them we having potential for entanglement, and using our discrimination are able to hold back.
But if the situation persists, sometimes we lose patience and in our effort to not get entangled, we develop aversion. This dislike or need to avoid something is also a form of attachment albeit a negative one. The manner in which we avoid getting entanglement in things, places, people, situations we like, in a similar manner, we must check if we are developing aversion for some thing, place, people or situation we dislike. Even aversion causes agitation or anger because it is based on a desire to dislike or avoid something. If we use self control to get rid of that, it will not disturb us and we can still act the way we ought to in that situation. From hankering and aversion both if we are free, there comes a peace that is undisturbed.