Beyond Opinions: The Importance of Deciding to Decide

When Sachin Tendulkar became a Rajya Sabha MP, my neighbourhood got divided. Not that we were very united in any case, but this led to arguments like “He should have stuck to cricket” on the one hand, and “It is better to have Sachin in parliament than some other MPs” on the other. The subject … Read more

Book Synopsis: The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing

For regular investors for whom investing is not a full-time activity, the Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing is a wonderful book that asks the right questions and provides clear answers. In a single book, the authors (who also started an online forum based on the investing principles of John Bogle) have explained, in a step … Read more

ज़ोर का झटका…धीरे से लगे: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“What is the difference between retrospective and retroactive?” asked my broker friend Jigneshbhai, as we met over coffee last weekend after a long time. Surprisingly, the question today was from Jigneshbhai rather than Swami. Swami looked at my broker friend and shrugged it off. “They are the same I think. Why?” “Well someone from the … Read more

One Idiot

One Idiot is a short 30-minute movie with a message on financial independence. The film is an initiative from IDFC Foundation (which may mean that it may indirectly and tacitly act as marketing for their mutual fund). But nevertheless despite that, it is a nice attempt to educate the youth of today’s urban India on the … Read more

सिर्फ खेलनेका नहीं: The Business of IPL: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“It is pathetic – this spot fixing. They get so much money, and still fix”, cried my friend Swami, as we were having our weekend coffee. My broker friend Jigneshbhai was, as always, watching Swami and listening. After a while, Jigneshbhai asked nonchalantly, “Who are you talking about?” As always, this irked Swami even more. … Read more

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