Angry Young Country

While the world and capital markets lament the slowing growth of China, it is easy to forget that – in the last 37 years – maybe from 1979-80 or so – China grew consistently at a rate of growth that got jobs for a significant proportion of their young labour force and pulled many families … Read more

A Few Stray Thoughts (all my own work)

And for a Saturday, a few stray thoughts and a few general observations and a few points of view (all my own work): Like the past week has been great. After my book got published, there have been a number of new visitors and new followers to this blog. All I want to say is … Read more

सोने पे सुहागा?: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“As if all the fixed deposits and mutual funds and shares and gold funds weren’t enough, I also have to think about this gold deposits now” complained Swami, as we met this weekend over our customary cup of coffee. He looked at my broker friend Jigneshbhai, and asked “So should I invest in this new … Read more

New Book: Path to Financial Independence

It has been a while that I have posted to the blog, and one of the reasons has been editing my past writings in preparation for my book being published. So it is heartening to share on the auspicious occasion of Diwali that my book is published and is now available. The title is ‘Path … Read more

Correlation + Analytics – Causation = Confusion

What causes ‘something’ and what action to take to either prevent or make that ‘something’ happen has been the curious question that has led to major scientific discoveries and philosophical theories. But these are based on painstaking research in a closed environment and a focused approach for years. In recent years, the promise to solve … Read more

Prem Watsa on the social bubble and other quotes

Prem Watsa was once called the savviest value investor you will never know. He is also known as the Canadian Buffett. In fact, his investing approach is uncannily similar. He heads Fairfax which owns multiple insurance companies. He generally buys companies in whole and mostly when they are in trouble (Blackberry being a recent example). … Read more

After 50 years: Excerpts from Buffett’s Letter to Shareholders

This year marks 50 years of Buffett and Munger running Berkshire Hathaway. Since 1977, Buffett has been writing an annual letter to his shareholders. A compilation of these letters was also published as a book. This year the letter has its details on business performance, plus the now regular interesting insights and wisdom as usual, … Read more

Ranjit’s Newsletter
