Known Knowns and Unknown Unknowns: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Swami uncle, how do you know that Ganpati Bappa goes to his home elsewhere after we immerse him?” asked Jigneshbhai’s son as we were returning after immersing the Swami’s Ganesh idol after this year’s festival. It was Swami’s turn to be at the receiving end of questions this time from our broker friend’s son. Jigneshbhai … Read more

Of Gardening and Investing Lessons

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” said Audrey Hepburn. I realized the truth in it over the past few months. The wife has been venturing into gardening – a small beginner home garden – for the past few months, and as an observer, contributor and co-passenger, the ride has taught me a … Read more

Happy Ending: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“So finally this is the happy ending we were looking for!” said Swami, in an especially exuberant mood today, as we met for coffee this weekend. Swami’s smile knew no bounds today. “I wonder what took them so long!” he exclaimed. My broker friend, Jigneshbhai, obviously realized that the reason for Swami’s impish glee was … Read more

The Madness of Crowds

Either I am a completely outdated, antique piece who doesn’t get it, or I may be a very calm composed person. I tend to give myself a positive spin with a benefit of doubt thinking it is the latter, but I suspect the former is perhaps closer to the truth. The last week has seen me pose … Read more

Ranjit’s Newsletter
