Deficit of Trust

No one trusts anyone easily anymore. There are real reasons for it. We don’t trust the celebrities telling us to buy things. They are being paid by the company. We don’t trust tweets and instagram posts. They are new ways of getting paid. We never trusted salesmen and marketers. Now we suspect them. By default, … Read more

What will not change?: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Everything material is changing all the time and is temporary, so for lasting happiness, we should change our focus from what is temporary to what is eternal” said our broker friend Jigneshbhai as we met for our weekend coffee yesterday. Swami and I were stumped seeing him in such a philosophical, almost spiritual mood, specially … Read more

Four Legs and a टेढ़ी Tail: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Abraham Lincoln once posed the question: ‘If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs does it have?’ and then answered his own query: ‘Four, because calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one,’” Buffett writes. Our broker friend Jigneshbhai was reading from Warren Buffett’s latest annual letter to his shareholders. He … Read more

Of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Stupidity and a Higher Wisdom: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Artificial Intelligence is going to completely change investing” said Swami excitedly as we met for our coffee. Jigneshbhai did not react, and continued sipping his black coffee, as usual. Swami was not the one to be discouraged by that, at least immediately. So he continued with even more enthusiasm. “Machines will be reading through stock … Read more

Common Sense Investing Rick Van Ness

Common Sense Investing: Sharing an excellent set of simple videos (less than 60 minutes) by Rick Van Ness. All that an average individual investor needs to know and follow. This is what the site says about these videos: “These short videos teach basic financial concepts to make it more likely that you’ll achieve common life … Read more

ढूंढते रह जाओगे!: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Many years back there used to be an ad for some detergent remember where the lady of the house boomed with pride ‘ढूंढते रह जाओगे’ when her husband found no stains on his shirt. Do you remember that?” asked Jigneshbhai while sipping his coffee last weekend. Swami and I met our broker friend Jigneshbhai had … Read more

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