Jigneshbhai & Swami Origins..and Deja

At 9 in the morning, the door of A13 Vrindavan Park opened, and a happy man in his mid-forties stepped out. “Good morning,” he said to the familiar traffic constable at the crossing. The policeman acknowledged the greeting. He continued using his whistle with skill to guide the traffic. “Move fast,” the traffic constable shouted … Read more

Get a Copy, Now Available: “The Good, The Bad and The Silly”: Jigneshbhai and Swami

Hello, My new fiction novel “The Good, The Bad and The Silly” featuring Jigneshbhai and Swami is now available. You can get a personal copy of the book at the following links: PDF: https://ranjitkulkarni.com/product/thegood-thebad-and-thesilly/ Kindle: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08777W31Z Paperback (after lockdown): https://store.pothi.com/book/ranjit-kulkarni-good-bad-and-silly Get Ready for Jigneshbhai and SwamiWhen an innocent health check-up report seen by Raji Periamma leads to Swami … Read more

Inverting Goals

Most of our business or success goals are self oriented. They are related to what we want. What if we could invert them? What if they are based on what others want? This is not as idealistic as it sounds. Neither is it altruistic. Nor is it irrational. It is more rational and practical than … Read more

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