Book Synopsis: Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession

Again continuing on Benjamin Graham, this weekend I was privileged to have read a book by this title “Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession”. It is a collection of rare writings by and interviews with one of financial history’s most brilliant visionaries. The book presents Graham’s evolution of ideas on security analysis spanning five decades. Particularly … Read more

Guru Speak: Famous Quotes by Peter Lynch

Peter Lynch was a mutual fund manager for Fidelity Investments, famous for managing the Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990. He often was a proponent of the theory that individuals were better placed than institutions to identify good investments. He was also author of two famous books, One Up on Wall Street and Beating the … Read more

Guru Speak: Timeless Wisdom from Benjamin Graham

Benjamin Graham, widely known as the Father of Value Investing, was a professor and an investment manager. Known as the founding father of the profession of security analysis, Graham wrote two of the most valuable books in the area of investing: “The Intelligent Investor” and “Security Analysis”. Credited by Buffett as the key influence on … Read more

Why Bulls, Bears, Pigs and The Big Fish don’t matter, and Cows and Goats do: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“The ocean in Mauritius is just wonderful, blue-green and pristine. Truly is a paradise island”, said my South Indian friend, Swami who had just been back from his vacation. One of the few times I had seen him happy, without much to complain about. Just when I thought he was in a good mood, he … Read more

Your Call is Important to Us: The Tragicomedy of Customer Service: Jigneshbhai and Swami

My simple-hearted friend Swami was in a restless mood the other day when we met over coffee. ““कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें, आप कतार में हैं” – isn’t that what they said, when you called customer service numbers in those days?” he asked us. “Some of them said ‘Please wait. You are in queue’,” my wise friend … Read more

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