Business for Authors: Review

A while back I read a book titled “Business for Authors” by Joanna Penn. Though I never looked at writing as a means to a livelihood (25 years of corporate life perhaps allowed me to keep it as a hobby at best, or at worst, a vocation), for those who have the gumption to start … Read more

Notes from ‘Deep Work’

A few months back I read a book titled “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. I found that a number of points raised and solutions offered in the book resonated with me. It was a very well-written book and I compiled some useful snippets from it into a bunch of notes. Here is the first set … Read more

The Practice: Book Review

For writers and all kinds of professional or hobby artists, I highly recommend the book “The Practice” by Seth Godin. I read it almost a year back and it has still stayed with me. I have taken notes from the book and refer to them off and on when I need inspiration. You will find … Read more

Swamy: Short Story

I sometimes wonder if people are crazy or from some other planet. But I am not complaining. Why should I? Not at all. After all, what more would a simple man like me want? All that I do nowadays is to sit in my farm, cook my food and eat it with my near and … Read more

Badshah: Short Story

In his mind, he always believed that he could have been anything – a doctor, an engineer, a businessman, a stockbroker, or an artist. But he chose to be a detective. But success had eluded him, and he blamed the small town he lived in for it. “You deserve better,” he told the man in … Read more

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