World Cup Moments

I have been following the 2023 Cricket World Cup very closely (who hasn’t?), partly because it has been held in India, partly because it has been dominated by India, and truly because of being a cricket fan. Surprisingly though (for me, at least), this World Cup has not been as interesting in terms of closeness … Read more

Just One Minute, Sir: Short Story

“The next ninety seconds are very critical,” Santosh Kumar told his friend as he waited for the green to turn amber and then red at Ejipura signal in Bangalore. As soon as the green turned to amber, he stood up with his wares and had a quick look at the three bikers who were nearing … Read more

A Mahabharata Primer: Review

I have read a lot of books by a friend Sharath Komarraju, who writes both fiction and non-fiction primarily around the Mahabharata. He has read and written all kinds of things on the Mahabharata. Many years back, I think it was when he launched his first book on Hastinapur, as a simple promotional tool, he … Read more

Antisocial Media: Jigneshbhai and Swami

“Have you been witness to a fierce argument on a WhatsApp group?” Jigneshbhai asked the other day when we were having our coffee and muffin. That question excited Swami who kept his cup and muffin down. “Arguments? I have witnessed dogfights, wrestling matches with crowds cheering on WhatsApp,” Swami replied and broke into a guffaw. … Read more

The Courage to be Disliked

A friend recommended reading this book, and the title of the book instantly intrigued me. I got the book almost on the same day, and finished reading it over the next week or so. While the title is attractive and whoever thought about it must be credited with it, this book is not just about … Read more

This is Marketing: Review

I read a lot of books by Seth Godin over the past couple of years. I like his style of writing – a mix of simple yet profound sentences that often leaves you with food for thought. It is not fiction, it is mostly business advice, but he started and made his name as a … Read more

Torment: Short Story

The morning sun reached the centre of the sky. Even in full brightness, Lakhinath Kaman looked like a ghost. He sat with a straight back on his second-hand two-wheeler. No beeps on his phone. Not a single phone call. No one thought of calling him. The only calls he received in the past week were … Read more

This is Marketing – Notes 1

I recently read a book titled ‘This is Marketing’ by Seth Godin. As per my habit, I marked out some notes which I found useful while I was reading. I have collated some of the ones which I found worth sharing and put them together below. Take a read! *** It doesn’t make any sense … Read more

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