
Note Extracts from my reading of Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Sankaracharya: Such treatises as aim at serving as introductions to a more advanced study of a system of philosophy are generally known as ‘Prakarana Granthas’. Besides giving an outline of the system, each of them emphasizes some one or other of the main features. Aparokṣānubhūti is … Read more

Kunti: Motherhood and Devotion

  Originally a Yadu, Pritha was the daughter of Shoorsen and sister of Vasudev, the father of Lord Krishna. But she was gifted by her father to his close friend Kuntibhoj, as he did not have any children. Hence the name Kunti, instead of the original Pritha. Like all characters, Kunti had a lot of … Read more

Alexa, Stop: Short Story

“Alexa, don’t run away from me. Listen.” “Playing, Run to you by Bryan Adams.” “Alexa, Stop.” “Alexa, will you pay attention here for once?” “I didn’t quite get that.” “Not you, Alexa. Alexa, you!” “I still didn’t get that. Could you…” “Alexa, Stop.” “Alexa, will you give me, for heaven’s sake, some break from this … Read more

Box Sets of My Books

I have released two box sets of my published books. Both these box sets are in Kindle Format. One is a box set of 5 books featuring Jigneshbhai and Swami. The second is a box set of 5 books of short story collections. The Jigneshbhai and Swami box set consists of the following books: 1. … Read more

Perfect. Or Nothing

There is this ad which says Jockey. Or Nothing. The idea is to tell their target audience that they should not settle for anything other than Jockey. Because Jockey is as perfect as it gets. It is an enviable brand whose customers have such exalted preference. For all you know, it might just be a … Read more


Note Extracts from my reading of Vedanta-Sara by Adi Sankaracharya: Vedāntasāra is one of the best known epitomes (Prakaraṇa Granthas) of the philosophy of the Upaniṣads as taught by Śaṅkarācārya, whose followers are said to number the largest in India. Māyā and Avidyā are generally used synonymously, though Māyā is sometimes said to be the … Read more

Reasons to Write a Book

Hundreds of books get published everyday. Maybe thousands. And most of them don’t sell more than ten copies. Some not even that many. Yet, no one who has ever written a book regrets that they wrote one. So what are the reasons to write a book? I came up with a few. Here is the … Read more

Different Shades: Short Story

I shuddered when my class teacher shouted again, “Eat the green vegetables, children.” She had a foot ruler in her hand as she went around the classroom staring at children holding on to their plates on their benches during the lunch recess. I didn’t have any greens in my plate even today. I was alarmed … Read more

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