Anger and Greed

The source of irritation and anger is within us. Whenever some act by someone else creates that emotion within us, the source of it can be tracked back to an unfulfilled expectation within. The only freedom from this is to fix that expectation. But it does not mean leading a dry life without expectations. It means dedicating all that you do to the feet of the Lord because that way you build no expectations or desires within. If we build this habit of doing whatever we do for the Lord, we will find our release.

On the other side of anger is greed. When our desire gets fulfilled, the mind turns to asking if it is getting adequate returns for itself and for its effort. It starts pointing to us that if there is more business coming, we must make sure that we get our share of the profit. In this way, it puts us on the path of greed. While it spurs us and gets away, it leaves us with the experience of the consequent misery and restlessness. How do we get over this greed? It is by telling the mind that our core desire is for the Lord. Whatever we are doing is for Him. Whatever we get is for Him. If we think like that then the mind and its spurring us to greed will not work and by the grace of the Lord, we will get freedom from its troubles.


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